Inayatiyya Community Guidelines
for E-Lists & Social Media
Our purpose, as inspired by Hazrat Inayat Khan, is to:
- Experience the divinity of one’s soul
- Recognize the interconnectedness and kinship of all beings
Our mission is to:
- Provide training in transformative spiritual practice
- Promote the kinship of all people
- Advance the understanding that all religions derive from the same divine source
- Cultivate healing through spiritual means
- Approach the human relationship with the earth as a sacred science
- Offer a contemplative framework for ethical development.
Heartful Conversation
With Hazrat Inayat Khan’s teaching as our inspiration, Inayatiyya Community Forums are designed to provide spaces for heartful connection and communication between members of our worldwide Inayati Community. As such, we have put into place a few guidelines for our interactions, beginning with the practice of Husn-i zann.
Husn-i Zann
As we evolve a shared culture of service, we reflect on how to incorporate the ideals of Husn-i zann into all of our interactions, when we are in person with one another or online. Husn-i zann is a Persian phrase meaning “beauty of thought” and reminds us to think well of one another, to try to understand what someone means in the best possible light, and not to entertain unnecessary suspicions. In other words, to look for the divine impulse in interactions, cultivating a culture of service, generosity, collaboration, and inclusion.
With Husn-i zann as our initial contemplation, we offer these guidelines for our online friendships and interactions.
✰ Please be kind & courteous.
✰ Please no hate speech or bullying.
✰ Please no promotions or spam.
✰ Please be careful not to over post.
✰ Please do not use power over others.
✰ Please respect everyone’s privacy.
✰ Please avoid profanity.
✰ Please stay within legal guidelines.
✰ Please remember why we are here.
Purposes of Elists & Social Media
Please note that each of our elists is meant for friendship, connection, and information sharing. They are designed to discuss topics relevant to the Inayatiyya and Hazrat Inayat Khan’s teachings. Our Facebook Group Page is specifically designed to share and discuss the teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan and happenings related to the Inayatiyya. This page is not designed to discuss broader topics related to Sufism, to highlight the many teachers and teachings of other traditions (Sufi-oriented and otherwise), or to share more general, spiritual personal expression. We moderate the page and will only approve posts that are specific to these guidelines.
Questions, Issues & Red Flags
Please address all questions, issues, and red flags, to the following channels, rather than to the e-list or social media page itself:
Discourse Elists: [email protected]
Vimeo & YouTube: [email protected]
Facebook Pages: Notify the administrator for each related page.
Instagram: Notify the administrator of our Inayatiyya page.