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Rumi’s 812th Birthday Celebration w/ Honored Guest Shaykha Nur Artiran

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Dear Friends,

Several years ago in Istanbul I was introduced to Shaykha Hayat Nur Artiran, the renowned Mesnevi-Han, doorkeeper of the sacred knowledge of the Masnavi of Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Rumi. Since then I have met with her each summer in Turkey, and for a three-year period she came annually to the Zenith Camp. Our friendship has been one of the great God-given joys of my life. When we moved the Inayati Order headquarters to Richmond two years ago, the refined atmosphere of Shaykha Nur’s center in Istanbul was in my mind as we went about creating our new spiritual home, known as the Astana.

Now, I am delighted to announce, Shaykha Nur will be gracing us with a visit at the Astana the weekend of September 26-29, for a celebration of the birthday of the blessed Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Rumi. This will be her first-ever visit to the United States. Shaykha Nur is a radiant light on the path to the Beloved. I warmly invite you to come and meet her and hear her luminous discourses.

Yours ever,

Pir Zia

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Please join us to greet Shaykha Nur and other friends traveling to be with us from Turkey. There are only 30 three-day passes available for the entire weekend devoted to the life and poetry of Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Rumi, with special guests Sufi scholar Dr. Carl Ernst, Turkish Musician Latif Bolat, Cheikh Sufi of the Mouride Order of Senegal, and many Semezan’s including Shaykha Nur’s companions and Farzad AttarJafari and others from Toronto, Canada. Additional special guests to be announced. Hosted by Pir Zia and Pirana Sartaj Inayat-Khan.

Our weekend together will include much suhbat (spiritual discourse), music, poetry, sama (sacred listening w/ Whirling Dervishes), and numerous rounds of tea and sweets.



Questions? Contact us at [email protected] or 518-794-7834

Let us know if you are coming by RSVPing on our Facebook event  page and please feel free to share with your friends:

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Shaykha Nur ArtiranShaykha H. Nur Artıran is an authority on Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Rumi and his work. She is a researcher, writer and educator, and has prepared many books for publication in this domain with her spiritual teacher Sefik Can (1909-2005). She has lectured in numerous national and international conferences, been featured on radio and TV programs, and her communications, articles and writings have been presented in global symposiums. Her first book “Aşk Bir Davaya Benzer” (Love Needs Proof) was published in 2011.

Shaykha Nur is the founding president of Şefik Can International Mavlânâ Education and Culture Foundation, founding member of World Foundation for Disabled and a member in the Scientific Board of International Mevlânâ Foundation. She is from Istanbul, Turkey.


Shaykha FarihaSheikha Fariha is the spiritual guide of the Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Order in New York City. She was born in 1947 into a socially committed, eclectic Catholic family in Houston, Texas. At the age of 29, she met her teacher, Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak of Istanbul, and received direct transmission from him in 1980. Sheikh Muzaffer also gave direct transmission to Lex Hixon (Sheikh Nur al-Jerrahi), who envisioned a radical and illumined path of the heart which he called “Universal Islam.” After Sheikh Nur’s death, Fariha took on the guidance of the Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Order, with circles around the world. Every Thursday, Sheikha Fariha, with her husband Ali and the dervishes, invite all seekers into the circle of zikr at the Dergah al-Farah in New York City.

Cheikh SufiCheikh Sufi is a Cheikh of the Mouridiyya Order of Sufis. He studied with, and is a representative of, his master, Serigne Saliou Mbacke. Since 1996 he has traveled eight times to Senegal, West Africa, to study the science of the Inner path, and lived there from 2002-2004 to complete his training. He was made a Cheikh by his Cheikh, Serigne Modou Seck, from the Holy city of Touba in 2016. Cheikh Sufi now lives in New York City.


Dr. Carl ErnstDr. Carl Ernst is a specialist in Islamic studies with a focus on West and South Asia. His published research, based on the study of Arabic, Persian, and Urdu, has been mainly devoted to the study of Islamic studies, premodern and contemporary Sufism, and Indo-Muslim culture. Dr. Ernst is the author of many books including Sufi Martyrs of Love: Chishti Sufism in South Asia and Beyond (Co-Authored w/ Bruce Lawrence) which outlines the historical lineage of the Inayati Order. His latest project is a book on the Sufi poetry of Hallaj.

Amir KoushkaniAmir Koushkani
is a performer, composer and instructor of the traditional stringed instruments Tar and Setar, with a special emphasis on Sufi music. He holds a Master’s Degree in Western Musical Composition, and a PhD in Ethnomusicology. Over the last three decades, apart from concentrating on different aspects of classical Persian music, he has composed widely for theatre, orchestra, and various musical ensembles. He has recently published a two-volume study on the “Persian Avaz” in collaboration with Master Mohammad Reza Shajarian and Professor Robert Simms. Amir is artistic director of Rumi Canada and teaches music at York University Toronto.

Latif BolatLatif Bolat is one of the most well-known Turkish musicians in the United States and possesses a vast repertoire, ranging from Sufi devotional songs and Turkish Folk music to classical pieces. Now residing in New Mexico and Turkey, Latin has presented his music all across America, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Singapore, Bulgaria, Turkey, Philippines, England and many other international locations. In addition to his Carnegie Hall concerts and lectures, he has recorded four successful CDs, made many TV and radio appearances, and composed music for the PBS Documentary “Mohammed: Legacy of a Prophet” and George Lucas’s TV series “Young Indiana Jones”. He is the co-author of a Turkish Sufi poetry book titled “Quarreling with God” which is published by White Cloud Books (2008).

Pir Zia Inayat-KhanPir Zia Inayat-Khan, familiarly known as Sarafil Bawa, is a teacher of Sufism in the lineage of his grandfather, Hazrat Inayat Khan. He received his Ph.D. in Religion from Duke University. His books include Saracen Chivalry: Counsels on Valor, Generosity, and the Mystical Quest and Mingled Waters: Sufism and the Mystical Unity of Religions. Pir Zia’s teaching is now based at the Astana near Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, Virginia.



Thursday, September 26

7:00 pm Doors Open at the Astana

7:04 pm Maghrib Prayer (Library)

7:30 pm Musical Devotion
Featuring our special guest, Amir Koushkani

8:00 pm Suhbat w/ Shaykha Nur & Pir Zia: Birth & Rebirth

9:00 pm Tea & Sweets

Friday, September 27

9:30 am Doors Open at the Astana

10:00 am Suhbat w/ Shaykha Nur & Pir Zia: Dying Before Death

11:15 am Tea Break

11:45 am Dr. Carl Ernst: Hallaj and the poetry of Rumi

12:30 pm Devotions to Rumi
Guests & Participants are Invited to Offer Devotions

1:00 pm Lunch on Your Own

1:02 pm Dhuhr Prayer (Library)

3:00 pm Cheikh Sufi & Shaykh Abdu-Rasheed

3:45 pm Devotions to Rumi
Guests & Participants are Invited to Offer Devotions

4:15 pm Tea Break

4:45 pm Suhbat w/ Shaykha Nur, Shaykha Fariha, Cheikh Sufi, Dr. Carl Ernst & Pir Zia: The Legacy of the Prophets

6:00 pm Dinner at Patio Thai

7:02 pm Maghrib Prayer (Library)

8:00 pm Musical Devotion
A special concert featuring our guest, Latif Bolat

9:00 pm Zikr

Saturday, September 28

All activities on Saturday will be held at the Bolling Haxall House, two blocks north of the Astana, with room for up to 150 lovers of Rumi.

10:30 am Doors Open at Bolling Haxall House

11:00 am Suhbat w/ Shaykha Nur & Pir Zia: The Religion of Love

11:45 am Devotions for Rumi w/ Cheikh Sufi

1:00 pm Luncheon

1:02 pm Dhuhr Prayer (Upstairs)

2:00 pm Devotions for Rumi 
w/ Shaykha Fariha

3:15 pm Tea Break

3:45 pm Devotions for Rumi w/ Pir Zia Inayat-Khan

5:00 pm Tea Break

5:30 pm Devotions for Rumi
 w/ Shaykha Nur Artiran

6:45 pm Dinner Banquet

7:02 pm Maghrib Prayer (Upstairs)

7:45 pm Special Suhbat w/ Many Shaykh(a)s: Music, Dance & Ecstasy

8:30 pm Sama featuring Special Guest Amir Koushkani

9:30 pm Tea & Sweets

10:30 pm Good Night

Sunday, September 29

9:30 am Doors Open at the Astana
w/ Simple Turkish-style breakfast buffet

10:00 am Musical Devotion

10:30 am Closing Suhbat

12:00 pm Returning

3:00 pm Meshk w/ Tarana (optional)
With a bow to the Turkish tradition of Meshk, vocalists and musicians are invited to gather at the Astana to learn Inayati songs. Bring instruments and voices. No musical experience is necessary.


We welcome your visit to the Astana! If this is your first visit, please know that the Astana is located in central Richmond, Virginia, right next to excellent housing options including the Holiday Inn Express ($119/night) and Hosteling International Richmond ($35-$120/night). Linden Row Inn is also near us, just two blocks north on Franklin Street.

Holiday Inn Express ($119/night)
Please use this link to register and receive the discounted rate for housing at the Holiday Inn Express, our preferred hotel for this event. THE DISCOUNT CODE TO USE IS: RWI 

Linden Row ($99-$120/night)

  1. Go to
  2. Select your Arrival and Departure Dates and Number of Adults
  3. Enter the following Access Code to view your discounted rate: IORUMI19

Also, an alternative option is Hosteling International Richmond.

Please Note that hotel coupon codes expire on 09/04/19.

Please find all Astana Logistical Details on our website, including for accommodations, travel, and recommended restaurants. Questions? Contact us at [email protected] or 518-794-7834.


We accept cancellations (minus a $50 processing fee) through Friday, September 6th, 2019. After this date, we accept cancellations (50% refund) through Friday, September 23rd, 2019. With limited space to hold guests, we appreciate your understanding the importance of this policy.
