
The Invocation

This short prayer is often said before beginning a service or ceremony. It is a way of stating our intention and calling upon the Divine to guide us.

Toward the One,
the Perfection of Love,
Harmony, and Beauty,
the Only Being,
United with all the Illuminated Souls
Who form the Embodiment
of the Messenger,
the Spirit of Guidance

Invocations in Other Languages

Prayer is considered an essential Sufi practice, emphasizing the human need for expression. Recognizing this need, Hazrat Inayat Khan composed morning, midday, evening, and occasional prayers that are now used by universalist Sufis all over the world.

General Instructions

These prayers can be said silently or aloud, but are considered more effective when said aloud, as the sound-vibration of the prayers penetrates the energy centers of the body and reaches the inner planes of our being. Although all the prayers are honored and recited by Inayati Sufis, Saum and Salat are given special emphasis. It is said that it is more important to recite these two prayers daily than any of the others. Likewise, these two prayers can be recited with accompanying movements suggested by Hazrat Inayat Khan.